Saturday, March 28, 2009 @5:31 PM
Hey you guys, how's life huh. Homework's been nutty and piling up! Think I'm gonna drown in them prettttyyyy soon.Help me my friends, pull me out of this wreckage! Naw just kiddin..Urgh, everyday passes so quickly, think before I know it, its gonna be promos.How, studies piling up means stress piling up too.Ohwell, at least I've got the usual goodies to look forward to everyday.Looking forward everyday, to see the class! Everyone with their own unique smiles and personalities.There's IDP on tuesday!I'm sooo sorry you lost your phone NQ, but I've seriously got no idea how it could have got lost in the tinnyyyyy place like jp's subway.Nevermind! At least those of us with you cheered you up!Cheng Siong and I bought you the specs! Must wear on monday k?Gonna wear my pinky pinky socks tmw and look like a total gay. WHEE.Yall're gonna freak eh?Currently talking to my granny on the phone while typing this post.Urgh, gotta do my homework later.
Have still got 2 questions left for chemistry, and a littl of physics mcq left.And there's still econs essay hwk! Totally dont feel like doing it can, miss law that day talk until like that, made the entire class no mood and everything.She pms.
Ohwell, gotta go eat, ytd's yoshi dinner wasnt enough to fill my bigbig stomach.Gonna go eat till fatfat. :DLux et veritas. Wednesday, March 25, 2009 @3:24 AM
Guys, I've officially made my blog private!
Super lotsa people with random weird names been tagging at my blog.
Ohwell, most of the people I've invited are from S30, whereby a few are from my admin og, and some outside friends.
So yeap, ust letting yall know, and coz I wanna post but no idea what to post about, so will post some time soon again i guess.
Enjoy school! Hope I get into house comm. rarrr.
Saturday, March 21, 2009 @7:20 PM
Yesterday had been one rollercoaster of a day.Experienced both extreme happiness, and extreme sadness.Am I just pathetic, I sometimes ask myself.Cried my eyes out for no good reason yesterday night.Couldnt get to sleep at all.I know you're reading this, and I'm so sorry these words are being processed in your mind right now.But I'll remember my promise to you.I will.I'll try my best.And people? Lets now have anymore conflicts, is that alright? more smiley Jordan, for now. Sunday, March 15, 2009 @8:00 PM

Ohwell, I guess time really does pass by quickly.
Zhenghua's officially not in JJ anymore, and in SP. Wont be seeing him in JJ next monday when school reopens.
So many things've happened and sometimes, just too fast for you to comprehend.
Think I'm gonna take some time out, and be alone for awhile, to take things back to reality, and stop deluding mysely in this self-obsessed world of mine.
Saturday, March 14, 2009 @7:35 AM
Jordan apologises for the things he's done.
Wishes he gets forgiveness.
how can i make it up @7:24 AM
Just being random, but I think having dimples make me look a whole lot younger and childish. @12:38 AM
Hey guys, I injured myself while walking home ytd.Slipped on this little portion of water on the pavement while switching tracks on my phone.Right feet went straight into this drain-thingy, and I twisted it.Cant walk properly at all and I'm getting super frustrated over it.Missed the chance to go for YJ's carnival today. Sorry Tiong, sorry Richie, sorry Grace, sorry to you, and bean and the rest.Luckily this upcoming week's march hols.Can rest of stupid feet at home.Dont have to worry about injuring it again.I'm all paranoid when I go to sleep, afraid that I'd roll over to my right side and hence apply pressure on my injured twisted ankle.Super swollen, and it still looks a little 'bent' now.Kinda grosteque.Ohwell, its gonna rain soon I think.Gonna go nappy nap.I wanna kiss you. Friday, March 13, 2009 @1:30 AM

Stay in touch Zhenghua, you'll be remembered by 09S30.
Remember to have fun in SP, and don't forget to think of us.
Saturday, March 7, 2009 @3:52 AM
Guys! I'm back.Sorry I've been updating my blog pretty randomly these days.School work, and personal stuff've been filling up my life pretty much nowadays.Not sure how my life is gonna go on from here, but I seriously and desperately hope its for the better.This week's been kinda alright.Tuesday's pe was a killer, but luckily friday's wasnt bad at all, I should say the easiest and least energy-draining of all so far.Been reaching home super tired everyday and I do nothing much except do my homework should there be any, and plonk myself onto bed.Man I need my life to be more colourful, and more exciting.I need things to happen.But, ohwell, not sure what these 'things' are, but I'll jsut wait for them I guess.Cant wait for school to start on monday.Actually ooking forward to school coz I get to crap around with classmates, ohwell.BRRRRRRRRRRRR, BLLULULUUULULULLUU.DIAO SIMI DIAO?S.....C...G...S....! WHOO WHOO WHOO WHOO.EVERYONE GIVE ME ONE IVAN CLAP.EVERYONE GIVE ME ONE CHARLENE CLAP.WHOA ROYSTON, LOOK ITS (........)WHOA WEIKOK, LOOKS ITS (.........)WHOA DARREN, LOOK ITS (......), then legs go jelly and we fall to the floor.Ohwell, life's been fun so far, but I'm pretty sure it's bound to get more hardcore and it means more concentration and studying, mostly even more catching up to do..Man I'm just crapping away now, ohwell catch up with yall sometime soon.At least I'm updating my blog, heh. Dont scold me!Will post up better posts filled with much mroe stuff next time, my bad.Cheerios.